Three musicals that I want people who have rarely seen a musical to see first

① Les Misérables

This is my favorite musical. 
Many people know this and have ever seen this before.
The best feature of this is that there are no lines. So the story progresses by the lyrics of the song in the play. In other words, the actors need to sing the lyrics more importantly than any other musical. 
When you watch this musical, you had better pay attention to this point.

② Miss Saigon

Miss Saigon is a story about the tragic romance of the Vietnamese girl and U.S. soldier on the stage of the Vietnam War.
All people will be touched surely in magnificent music expressing figure which love one woman at a risk of life.

③ Kirei ~kamisamatomatiawasesitaonnna~

This musical is not well known. This is written by Suzuki Matuo.
This is set in a fictional Japan where ethnic conflicts last for a hundred years, neither in the past nor in the future.
The amount of lines and the amount of songs are about the same in this work, and it is a work closer to the stage.

I recommend you to watch these live. These will really change your lifestyle.


  1. Hi Sadaishi-sam... This is a nice start to your blog. I like it!

    In this blog, you can tell us a lot about musicals in detail and other things that you like!

    If you write a few times per week in this blog, and make comments on other students blogs, your English writing ability will improve!

    Have fun!




My favorite musician in Japan.